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cigarette tobacco smoking vector graphic pixabay 16
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Welcome to my fucking Site!!!!

If your uncomfy with this vibe plz leave lmao

Hope y'all are having a decent day today lol, this site is basically just a way for me to express my deeply unwell mind XD I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I do

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HotStuffSparklingGlitter 46177e892f2c20fe784678c7fcdcc897 pleasesignguestbook
Untitled Project (7)

This site is really just whatever the fuck I want it to be, I draw a lot of inspiriation from old geocities pages, 2000s gay porn sites and old myspace pages to create this wacky messed up eye straining site that is here before you, you might ask yourself "Why so much porn?" Well the answer is that I myself am fundamentaly against internet censorship. What's going on online nowadays with sites like Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr etc is sickening and not in the good way! It's like we try and douse ourselves in bleach just to make ourselves clean and palatable for others. Well I am not clean nor palatable and If you have a problem with that then maybe this site might just not be for you! Imagine that?! A site not curated for your specific tastes, how bizarre...

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If you click this banner it will redirect you to my blogspot where I write ballbusting smut!!!! If it isn't your thing sorry not sorry lol

04f3798a233608d849f2f406b42fb31e71f99340 Untitled Project (6)

Made this little banner for a song i thoroughly enjoy lol click the banner to see the video!

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Horny and Scared!

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